Monday, April 6, 2015


       It is the 7th week of lent for Russian Orthodoxy. It gets pretty tough because you have to really fast for the last week. It is also tough because we have the longest church services out of all 7 weeks. It is such a relief after the Easter service though! It is a relief because you finally get to rest and can eat all you want.

       The Easter service starts at midnight on the 12th of April. The services usually last until 3:30 or 4 a.m.! Easter is all about celebrating Jesus's resurrection, after getting killed 3 days before. It is a beautiful service that is very uplifting and it just makes you happy at the end of the service. Easter is also very uplifting because Jesus is done suffering.

1 comment:

  1. It kind of sucked that we had to fast so many times. I always had to remind myself that we are doing this for a good thing and Jesus suffered way worse. The one time fasting really sucked was on Good Friday because you had to fast for 14 hours, and I was starving! Technically, we fasted for like 16 hours because the service lasted for about 2 hours. Anyways, it was a good fast because I got to have some of your mom's delicious fish pie.
